Keeping the Fire Alive in Your Relationship with Judy Arazoza

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2018

Today I have the honour of bringing you a very dear friend of mine, Judy Arazoza.

We met last year in a business coaching group, and joined the same mastermind with a different coach this year, so I’ve been able to continue to get to know her, and the more you know about Judy, the more you love her.

Judy is the owner of Grateful...

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My Story with Alcohol

My story with alcohol is a bit complicated, and I honestly wasn’t sure whether I was going to share this publicly.

But women are drinking more than ever before, and if this episode helps even one person to change, shift or clarify their relationship with alcohol in a positive way, no matter what that looks like, then it’s worth...

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Mastering Simple Meal Prep with Minimal Time & Energy with Justine Cappel (And How to Involve Kids)

Today’s guest is breaking down what so many of us struggle with: how to prepare meals when we’re on the go and on a full schedule.

Justine Cappel is a pre and post natal fitness specialist, personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Coach. She’s the owner of Twenty Toes Fitness based in Toronto, and Justine runs a...

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Money is a Tool, Time is the Prize: No Holiday Gift Guides Here

Last year, right around this time, I wrote a blog post that got a lot of attention about the importance of experiences over piles of presents full of more stuff under the tree.

View the original blog post here. 

Call it my inner minimalist, but it causes me some distress when I drive past the mall this time of year and see it teeming...

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Grit, The Lies We Tell Ourselves & What Entrepreneurship Really Looks Like with Lori Kennedy

We are fortunate enough to have a very special guest on the podcast today (and she happens to be a fellow Canadian!)

Lori Kennedy is the founder and CEO of The Wellness Business Hub which provides professional training and personal development for health practitioners looking to build and grow their businesses online. She’s also...

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Q & A Episode: How to Start a Podcast, Anxiety, Minimalism, Being Sneaky with Veggies, and More!

Episode 50!  How did we get here so fast?!

I need to take a moment to thank YOU for listening.  You make this all possible, and it’s all of you I’m thinking about every time I put together an episode.  From of the bottom of my heart, thank you for showing up every week, it means the absolute world to me!

This episode...

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Creating the Freedom to Live & Play Within Your Days, and Impacting Climate Change with Elana Jadallah of Elanaloo & DĆ©rive Collective

Today’s episode is a VERY special listen, with an extraordinary guest discussing some incredibly important topics.  It also happens to be one of my favourite episodes to date, and I don’t say that about just any episode!

Meet Elana Jadallah.

Elana, or as some call her, Loo,  is an entrepreneur, photographer and educator...

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Staying Motivated When You Fall Off the Wagon

There’s a BRAND NEW, very special way to work with me!

Introducing the Body Breakthrough Blueprint, a full audit of your nutrition to help you figure out what’s working, what isn’t and uncovering your breakthrough to ditch the diets for GOOD

Let’s be honest here, real, sustainable health isn’t about dieting....

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The Birthday Episode: Simple Ways to Create More Joy (Even When Life Gets Challenging)

Quick reminder: some of the links below may be affiliate links, check out the disclaimer and terms & conditions for more info.  

Today’s my birthday.

I don’t generally make a big deal about it, to be honest. I didn’t even think I was going to do a special podcast episode about it, but this has been...

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Ayurveda, Connecting with Nature, and Trusting Your Intuition with Andrea Claassen

Even if you know aren’t familiar with Ayruveda, you’re going to love today’s incredible guest and walk away with advice and super easy tips that you can implement into your everyday life right away for big results.

On today’s show I’m talking to Andrea Claassen, an Ayurvedic Coach, personal trainer, and new...

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