[BIZ TIPS] How an Awkward Introvert Makes Friends Around the Globe

BY POPULAR REQUEST: I’m breaking apart a topic that I’ve been asked about by so many people in recent months and how I seem to make friends fairly rapidly and seemingly everywhere I go in my global travels. I’ve even surprised myself at times, because I fully identify as being not only an introvert (which is not synonymous...

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Forgiveness Isnā€™t Found, Itā€™s Earned: Doing the Inner Work

“To err is human. To forgive, divine.”

-Alexander Pope


When I posed some upcoming episode ideas on Instagram stories, forgiveness was one of the ones that drew the most attention. And I can understand why, because it’s an incredibly complicated and complex issue for so many of us.

Not only that, but it takes a great...

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Cutting Off the Breadcrumbs of Hope with Megan Bruneau

I’ve been following the incredible Megan Bruneau on Instagram for some time now, and am absolutely delighted to introduce you to her on the podcast today!

Quoted by Deepak Chopra as the “Millennials’ therapist,” Megan’s no-bullshit, relatable voice has garnered over 30m views and landed appearances on The T.D....

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The 9 Year Affair: Lessons in Infidelity

I ended my 9 year relationship in December after finding out on Christmas Eve that my partner at the time had been unfaithful to me and involved with someone else on/off for our entire nine years together.

I spent months grieving the loss of trust, the partner I had built a life with for nearly a third of my lifetime, and the pieces of myself...

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