[BIZ TIPS] Why You Shouldn’t Start a Podcast

It’s time for some Saturday biz talk! And I’m going to bring up something that’s a bit of an elephant in the room: why I DON’T want you to start a podcast.

This might seem a little off-brand, given that I help entrepreneurs launch podcasts for a living.

Why would I try to talk you out of it?

Because there are people and...

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Communication, Betrayal, Infidelity & Self Esteem with Renelle Nelson

Today’s guest has valuable insights that we can all benefit from in our relationships, particularly if you’ve ever dealt with any type of infidelity, or even if you’re simply looking to make your relationship even healthier – even, and especially, if that means the relationship you have with yourself.

I’m thrilled...

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Getting Out of Your Own Head: Generosity Makes You Happier

I’ve felt very much in my own head for this year dealing with personal issues, trying to keep my mental health on track, and massive, uprooting life changes that have shook me to my core.

And at some point, I rapidly started getting sick of myself and feeling stuck in the cycle of my own BS.

One of the fastest ways to turn around our...

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Healing Isn’t Pretty, But It’s Worth It


There’s nothing cute or pleasant or fun about it. And sometimes you stop to try and catch your breath and think, how did I get here?

But day after day, hour after hour, you continue to move forward. You push when you feel like quitting, knowing that there’s something better on the other side.

Like after a...

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[BIZ TIPS] Shutting Down Imposter Syndrome That Keeps You Stuck

“Fear is not the enemy. Waiting to stop feeling afraid is.”

-Marie Forleo

I have a moment of minor (or major, depending on how vulnerable it is) panic every.single.time I press publish on a piece of content, ESPECIALLY when it’s for the podcast because it feels so much more personal to me than any other medium because people...

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Stepping Out of the Chaos of Your Life & Allowing Ease with Emma Rose Tait

After finding out that there had been a long-term affair going on with my partner and another woman for the 9 years he and I were together, I wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could to help heal.

We can be good at helping other people change their mindsets, but not so great at it when it comes to ourselves especially after a...

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Using Hurt as a Life Lesson for Growth and Resiliency

When someone does something to hurt you, thank them for the lessons and move on.

Fully stepping into this as a bit of a mantra was one of the biggest parts of being able to create closure within myself in the wake of ending my previous relationship.

People will come into your life for different reasons. They might be there to love you, to test...

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Eight Things I’m Afraid to Tell You

The inspiration for this episode comes from Amy Porterfield of the brilliant Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast and an episode she shared last year that really stuck with me.

The thing is, my goal is always to have you walk away with valuable insights from tuning in or showing up somewhere on my platform to learn. And while this type of episode...

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Masculinity: Looking for the Best in People & Why We Need to Change the Conversation About Men

infidelity mindset Sep 16, 2019

I have lots of reasons to dislike men.

A father who left when I was a teenager, with whom I subsequently severed our relationship entirely for various reasons (for more on small portions of that story I’m willing to discuss publicly, see #RoomToGrowPodcast episodes 24 and 93), got screwed around by males I was dating in my late teens and...

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STRONG AS F*CK: Strength is the Only Viable Option

mental health mindset Sep 13, 2019

My main goal is to continue to cultivate my entire being into the strongest version of myself. Mentally, emotionally, physically.

Life is going to throw curveballs, and it’s a direct result of those hits when you least expect them that make you stronger.

But you have a choice, too. You get to decide your own strength. You get to choose how...

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