Food as Medicine and Nutrition Education with Emily Edward

I have SUCH a special guest on today’s show!

Emily Edward is a student at Ryerson University (in Toronto) working towards becoming a dietician.  She’s incredibly passionate about helping people, and is a firm believer in the idea that “food is medicine,”  and her main goal is to help people...

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Finding Your Why & Showing Up Authentically with Amie Tollefsrud of Rebelle Nutrition

Today’s guest is going to light a fire under you to get moving with creating a business you love and taking action on all of the things you’ve been putting off.

I’m so excited to have Amie Tollefsrud of Rebelle Nutrition on the Room to Grow podcast today!  Amie is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner...

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5 Things to Consider Before Starting a Podcast with a Co-Host

There are a lot of people starting up podcasts these days, and I can see why.  Podcasts are HOT right now.  For me, part of the appeal is that I can listen to them while I’m driving , walking, doing chores around the house or cooking dinner.

One thing I want to stress is that if you’re planning on starting a...

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Your Food, Your Business: Redefining How You Eat

lifestyle mindset nutrition Jul 02, 2018

Recently I was interviewed for an article where the journalist asked me if I would help people eat according to their moral code, or if I would try to steer them in a different direction.   This got me thinking about how attached we get to food and how it can do more harm than good.

There are a lot of different food...

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Learning to Listen to your Body with Amanda McMullen

Amanda McMullen is a singer and music teacher from Charlotte, North Carolina.  She stumbled across a blog post of mine last year, emailed me, and we started working together right away and while we no longer have a working relationship, we became fast friends and stayed in touch ever since!

I have so much respect for this girl and...

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Manifesting Your Life in Vibrant Colours with Hollie Petrus of Brekkie Bowls Maui

One of Hollie Petrus’s mottos is “see me less, doing more,” and this could not sum up this incredible woman any more perfectly.

Hollie is the creator, owner and operator of Brekkie Bowls Maui, a health food truck on the island of Maui in Hawaii specializing in Acai bowls.  She made her way to Maui almost six years...

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9 Reasons Why Youโ€™re So Tired All the Time

Tired of feeling tired?  This is a very common complaint for many people, but before looking for a remedy in the form of supplements or medication, we need to get really honest with ourselves about how we’re treating our bodies.

The good news is, when it comes to everyday lifestyle factors, there’s a LOT that we can do to...

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The Fear of Success and Overcoming Procrastination

Do you fear success?  What would your life look like if everything you wanted came true right now?  What would have to change to make room for those successes?

Whether it’s about your health, your relationships, your career or other big goals you have for yourself, there are days where they might feel like pipe dreams.  We...

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Why Room to Grow and Meet Emily

Welcome to the Room to Grow podcast, where we will be talking to female entrepreneurs, coaching clients, and teaching tangible strategies on how to change your nutrition, mindset and lifestyle.  And, I’m also sharing how I ended up here after more than a decade in a corporate job and why growth is so important.  Can’t...

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Grilled Chicken with Mango Salsa and Sweet Potato Packets

nutrition May 31, 2018

Grilling season has officially arrived!

I’ll be honest, I’ve always enjoying BBQ’d food, but it’s normally been prepared…by others.  I’ve been barbeque-adjacent for several years, after getting a little to close while starting it up and singing the tips of my eyelashes, ha!  Ever since it has been a...

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