You Have to Ask for What You Want In Life


Have you ever sent a meal back at a restaurant?  Asked for a flight upgrade?  Switched hotel rooms because you wanted something specific?
Something about those kinds of situations can feel, well, stressful.  High maintenance, almost.  At least, to me.  Despite being fairly assertive, I’ve always shied...
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Happiness Habits That Will Bring You Joy Every Single Day

lifestyle mindset nutrition Nov 01, 2018
You know that feeling, when you’ve let a lot of your usual habits fall by the wayside and start to feel totally discombobulated, anxious and out of sorts?
I could feel the anxiety building last week and it peaked this weekend, leaving me a bit of a nervous wreck.  But then I started to...
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Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

It feels like gratitude is becoming some sort of fad with the number of times I hear it mentioned lately, especially on social media.

However, it’s for excellent reason: Learning to look for gratitude retrains your brain to search for gratitude in everything.

How cool is that?!  It’s the habit and attitude we can easily...

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When Willpower Gives Out, This is Why

mindset nutrition Aug 22, 2018

When do you feel like you have the most willpower?

Think about time of day, perhaps day of the week (or even time of the month!).

What are some of the things you notice when you start to dig into that a little more?

The last 2 weeks I was having a TON of cravings, and I was trying to figure out what was up. Some things I noticed:

  • My period...
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The Real Reason All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food Feels So Hard

mindset nutrition Aug 01, 2018

We talk a lot about all-or-nothing mindset, and what it really comes down to the most is trust.

We don’t trust ourselves to make the right choice when it comes to food, and the cycle perpetuates because every time we make ourselves another promise (starting a new diet on Monday yet again, never eating sugar again, going on that crash...

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Your Food, Your Business: Redefining How You Eat

lifestyle mindset nutrition Jul 02, 2018

Recently I was interviewed for an article where the journalist asked me if I would help people eat according to their moral code, or if I would try to steer them in a different direction.   This got me thinking about how attached we get to food and how it can do more harm than good.

There are a lot of different food...

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Grilled Chicken with Mango Salsa and Sweet Potato Packets

nutrition May 31, 2018

Grilling season has officially arrived!

I’ll be honest, I’ve always enjoying BBQ’d food, but it’s normally been prepared…by others.  I’ve been barbeque-adjacent for several years, after getting a little to close while starting it up and singing the tips of my eyelashes, ha!  Ever since it has been a...

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Top 8 Ways to Regulate Blood Sugar

nutrition Apr 30, 2018

Why Regulate Blood Sugar 

Regulating our blood sugar is important for all of us.  Blood glucose levels reflect our diet and the way we treat our bodies, and impact our mood, mental health, physical capabilities, and are found to correlate with a large number of diseases.

Here are the foods to avoid, and the top 7 ways to...

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5 Things You Don’t Want People to Know About You on Social Media

lifestyle mindset nutrition Apr 18, 2018
Just wanted to pop in with a little dose of encouragement this morning!
Honestly, social media has all kinds of positives, but it can bring out the dark side in us too.
It’s way too easy to get stuck in scrolling your newsfeed, comparing your life to everyone else and thinking that you aren’t enough.  That your...
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Staying Healthy in Flu Season and 3 Ways to Get Rid of a Cough

lifestyle nutrition Mar 13, 2018

There’s something about this winter season.  Everyone I’ve talked to is either sick, getting over being sick, or has a ton of people in their life that are sick.  And let’s be real, nobody got time for that!

I recently got sick for the first time in years and it has been going on and off for about a month....

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