I was told months ago by someone that that coming forward about infidelity in my relationship would make me look like a victim trying to elicit sympathy.
If you’ve been following the #RoomToGrowPodcast for any length of time, you know how strongly I feel about victim mindset (check out episode 24 in particular). So let’s chat for a...
**If you haven’t yet listened to episode #117 The 9 Year Affair: Lessons in Infidelity, I strongly recommend checking it out first as a prerequisite for this episode**
I’m a little bit nervous to release this episode, because I was a *little* bit more candid than I intended to be
Christina Montalvo and I have teamed up for our...
I’m noticing a trend in the online space where vulnerability is the new “it” factor and at times, seems like it’s being treated as a commodity to be traded in exchange for likes, download numbers and increased publicity.
Listen, vulnerability is a beautiful thing. It brings us closer together, creates deeper connections...
I’ve been following the incredible Megan Bruneau on Instagram for some time now, and am absolutely delighted to introduce you to her on the podcast today!
Quoted by Deepak Chopra as the “Millennials’ therapist,” Megan’s no-bullshit, relatable voice has garnered over 30m views and landed appearances on The T.D....
I’ve gotten a lot of requests for this episode after openly discussing the signs my body was screaming at me that something wasn’t right in my long term relationship. When my former partner’s 9 years of infidelity was revealed, everything suddenly made so much more sense.
Even with my background in psychology and...
**If you haven’t yet listened to episode #117 The 9 Year Affair: Lessons in Infidelity, I strongly recommend checking it out first as a prerequisite for this episode**
After uncovering the infidelity that had been going on in my previous long-term relationship for 9 years and realizing the degree to which I had been tracked online...
I spent months grieving the loss of trust, the partner I had built a life with for nearly a third of my lifetime, and the pieces of myself...
I met Jessica Rodriguez at an event in LA back in May, and was immediately drawn to her beautiful energy and get-shit-done attitude, as well as her refreshing honesty.
As the Founder of Freedom Driven Success, Jessica Rodriguez has an unapologetic mission to help purpose-driven businesses expand beyond a 1:1 reliant business model with scalable...
Have you ever caught yourself stuck in a cycle of thinking that life will be a little easier when things calm down? That there’s just so much happening right now, it’s hard to be able to function at your highest level….except that things never calm down. If anything, you seem to get busier and more stressed, not less.
Today’s topic is one you’re either very familiar with from personal experience, or you might (fortunately) be a little unsure as to what something like gaslighting even is.
Either way, this is an important one, because you might not know you need this knowledge until you’ve already been deeply affected.
One of the reasons I...
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