Your Opinion Matters: How to Not Care What Others Think

We get ONE life.  Are you going to let the opinions of one or two people outweigh the many?  Are you going to look back on your life with regret that you lived it for what someone else believed was best for you?  

I spent years struggling under the weight of the opinions of others, making decisions based off of what I either...

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Somatic Therapy & How Trauma Shows Up in the Body with Ailey Jolie

After my own therapist started asking me to question where and how anxiety was showing up in my body physically, it occurred to me that I had never thought about the embodiment of emotion in the body that way before and became fascinated with the topic.

When I started doing more research into somatic therapy, I came across the brilliant...

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Genetics vs. Environment & the Impact of Choice with Orlena Kerek

Dr. Orlena Kerek trained as a paediatric doctor and is originally from the UK.  Now living in Spain with her family including her four children, Dr. Orlena previously wrote about picky eating and has since pivoted to a pivoted to a life, health and weight loss coach.

We covered a lot of ground in this episode, including:

  • Dr....
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Overwhelm & Information Overload is Our Responsibility

How to handle information overload.  It’s a question I’m asked about regularly.

There’s so much info out there floating around, and with unlimited access to books, podcasts, social media and let loose with a Google search bar, it can feel hard to know where to begin when it comes to making changes to your life.


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Recovering From an Eating Disorder & the Impact of Health on Your Relationship with Kym Herrmann

This was such an incredible conversation with a friend of mine, and I’m honoured to introduce her to you!

Kym Herrmann is a Certified Nutrition Consultant who believes that everyone can find freedom from food bondage and self-limiting beliefs. Using holistic nutrition and mindset, she helps people unlock their real potential by...

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5 Lies Holding You Back From the Life You Desperately Want

Do you ever feel like… this it?  

Or like you’re destined for more, you have so much potential that you aren’t fulfilling but aren’t sure how to get there?  

Maybe you’re just annoyed with yourself for looking around seeing what others are doing and wishing you could do the same for yourself.


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Exercise for Longevity: It’s Not About Fitting Into the Skinny Jeans with Rhonda Trollman

We all know that we need to move our bodies and get to the gym, but it’s often the motivation (or lack thereof) that gets in the way.  

I’ve always stood by the fact that if you’re going to improve your health, you have to have a deeper motivation than shedding a few pounds or fitting into those skinny jeans hanging out...

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Mom Guilt, Pelvic Floor Health & How to Stop Peeing Your Pants with Victoria Dosen

Whether you’re pregnant, a new mom, a seasoned mom of many years, or even think you *might* want to have kids one day, you need to hear what today’s guest has to say.  

We’re talking to Victoria Dosen, a fitness and wellness coach from Naples, Florida who helps moms to prepare their bodies for pregnancy, labor, and...

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Minimalism: Opening Space & Letting Go of What is No Longer Serving You

There are many different faces to minimalism.  There’s no benchmark to measure yourself against that would somehow “qualify” you as a minimalist.  It’s much more general than that and each person might apply the concept differently in your own life.  

This episode is going to shed some light on why all...

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Post-Birth Control Syndrome, Fertility & PCOS with Dr. Jolene Brighten

I’m absolutely honoured today to bring to you the leading expert in a major (but often ignored) women’s health issue to the podcast.

Dr. Jolene Brighten is a Functional Medicine Naturopathic Medical Doctor and the founder of Rubus Health, a women’s medicine clinic that specializes in women’s hormones. She is...

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