What You Focus on Grows: Re-Thinking Comparisons

Another Tough Love Tuesday!

Today’s episode is short but important: spending time comparing yourself to others is a waste of your precious time.

You might be spending all kinds of times worrying about what everyone else is doing, while they’re putting their head down and doing the work. Who is going to accomplish more?

I haven’t been on social media as much the past couple of months because I’ve been heavily focused on a couple of major projects and have been intentional about making sure I don’t get pulled into comparing myself to others. It’s such an easy trap to fall into, but a dangerous one that can keep you from doing your best work and in a constant state of insecurity.

“You’re busy doubting yourself while some people are intimidated by your potential.”


Instead of stressing over everyone around you, I’m giving you five simple steps you can use to completely re-think comparisons.


  1. Spend less time on social media, and when you log on, use your time more intentionally.
  2. Get excited about your own shit. If you aren’t excited about it, then perhaps it’s time to figure out what DOES excite you and do more of that instead. Get clear on your own goals and and dreams and that’s going to help you show up for YOU….not be so worried about what everyone else is up to.
  3. Realize that this isn’t the end of your story, and YOU are the author. You get to decide what to write next. There’s a lot of responsibility there as well as total empowerment.
  4. Can that comparison instead be used to light a fire under you?
  5. Go ahead and compare yourself….to yourself.



Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

[email protected]

Instagram @emilygoughcoach

Private Facebook Group: Room to Grow Podcast

Facebook: @ Emily Gough Coaching



There’s a NEW weekly challenge in the Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group every single Monday. Something small but meaningful, and things that can give you huge rewards for minimum effort and output.

This week’s challenge is to get up when your alarm goes off without hitting the snooze button. As tempting as it often is to try and give yourself a few extra moments in your cozy bed, it’s very disruptive sleep and can leave you feeling even more groggy.

Join us in the group to check out the challenge, get some accountability, plus there are all kinds of new challenges coming up!



You can also email me at [email protected], or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways! Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life. It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously. See you on the ‘gram!

Questions? Comments? If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email! [email protected]

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday!


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