What No One Tells You About Stress & Gut Health

We tend to think about how stress can impact us emotionally, but sometimes it’s hard to see how much of a role it can play with something like digestion and your gut health.

So let’s start with the first question: what’s up with your gut?

  • How to know if your digestion is off
  • What stress is really doing to us and our bodies
  • The #1 thing you need to be doing for your gut health (and it has NOTHING to do with food!)
  • Learning how to manage stress everyday
  • Changing up your nutrition: what to eat and what to avoid

I based this episode off of a presentation I gave a few weeks ago in-person and it was so well received, I knew I had to share.

We’re digging into the areas that you don’t usually hear about when it comes to stress….and a little about the food too 😉



Access my FREE 5-day mini course, Chaos to Calm, all about learning to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  This might be one of my favourite things I’ve ever put together, and you’re going to walk away with a greater understanding and awareness of how stress shows up, and incredibly specific tools I use in my own life every single day to deal with anxiety and overwhelm.

And, book a free 30 minute consult with me!  You can access my calendar here, and we can jump on the phone to figure out what’s holding you back and strategize on some stress management tools specific to your lifestyle.



Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

[email protected]

Instagram @emilygoughcoach

Private Facebook Group: Room to Grow Podcast

Facebook: @ Emily Gough Coaching



Want to chat more and do a deeper dive into this topic and get access to live videos, exclusive guest appearances and discussions?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group is a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I’d love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It’s the best place to go for a little extra support.  See you over there!

You can also email me at [email protected], or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

Questions?  Comments?  If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!  [email protected]


New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday! 


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