Moroccan Chickpea Salad

I always like to make sure to find new ways to fit in plant protein sources.  After I went to the gym today, I was pretty hungry and perusing the pantry trying to decide what to make.  A couple cans of chickpeas sounded extra delicious and it was too hot today to turn on the oven, so it was extra handy ;).

This recipe is nutrient dense, packed with tons of fibre, and perfect for summer with calling plants like cucumbers and mint.  The arugula is a bitter green, which aids digestion and supports the liver, and the maple syrup and dried currants add a touch of sweetness.

Don’t be intimidated by the ingredient list, it’s just a few different types of veggies, greens and herbs, and a homemade 3-ingredient dressing.  The recipe is super quick and I honestly threw it together in 10 minutes.

Quick note: When shopping for canned goods, try to select ones that have a lining free of the chemical BPA, which can behave as an estrogen in the body and negatively affect your hormonal health.  See more about this here.  

I’m going to keep this short since it’s a gorgeous summer day outside and there’s a campfire calling my name!  Without further ado, enjoy!  And if you want more of this type of thing sent straight to the comfort of your inbox weekly including exclusive tolls when it comes to nutrition, insights, recipes and more, be sure to add yourself to my tribe here.


Moroccan Chickpea Salad
A delicious Moroccan-style salad to mix up your usual routine and fit in some extra veggies. Flavourful and nutrient dense, you will adding this salad to your list of staple meals!
 Prep Time      10 minutes
  1. 1. Drain and rinse canned chickpeas with water. 2. Combine the following into a large salad bowl: chickpeas, carrots, red pepper, cucumber, green onions, dried currants or raisins, all greens, mint and oregano. 3. Combine olive oil, fresh lime juice and maple syrup into a jar and shake for salad dressing. 4. Add dressing to salad, mix and enjoy!

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