There’s a lot of talk around “any publicity is good publicity.”
It’s this whole idea that getting your name into as many ears and in front of as many eyes as possible is all that matters, and or some, that might be the right fit.
But I would argue otherwise.
Essentially your entire brand is about trust, and without trust, you don’t have a business. Not only that, but if you break trust with your audience, it’s extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to put back together.
I’m giving you multiple examples from my own business of how to build trust, mistakes I’ve made along the way, and significant opportunities that I’ve turned down for the singular reason that I know my audience, I know what they need and what they’re struggling with, and I’m incredibly protective of the way I show up for them because I’ve worked so hard to build that trust and rapport.
Room to Grow Podcast episode #117, The 9 Year Affair: Lessons in Infidelity
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PLUS! Want to be a badass podcast guest? You’re going to want to grab this highly requested guide walking you through every step of the way to have your interviewers begging you to come back on, and the listeners wanting to learn everything they can from you! Grab your guide HERE.
Questions? Comments? Want to connect and chat? You can email me at [email protected], or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways! Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life. It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously. See you on the ‘gram!
Questions? Comments? If Instagram and Facebook aren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email! [email protected]
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