Are you excited to launch & grow your podcast, build your online brand, and create powerful connections that make a difference?

Yes! I'm Ready!

Are you excited to launch & grow your podcast, build your online brand, and create powerful connections that make a difference?

Yes! I'm Ready!

Starting a podcast that get's people talking is the right move for you if...


You're Stuck on "the How"

You've been hearing about podcasts for ages, and you're worried about how to get it off the ground.  Equipment, editing, submitting to places like Apple and trying to figure out how to talk into a mic without tripping over your words all seems a bit daunting. 

You Want to Reach More People

You want to reach more people, share your story, make a difference in the world and have more impact, but you're not sure how to do it. 

You Have A Lot To Say 

It feels like you have so much to say, but it usually feels like you're screaming into the black hole of social media without anyone even noticing. 

You're Craving Connection

You want to connect with people on a deeper, more meaningful level and build incredible relationships, even though you don't know how to get there.

Your voice can have an impact and people need your message.



You have no idea where to begin, but podcasts are just getting started!


Podcasting sure is *HOT* but it's far from a fad. 80% of podcast listeners stick around to listen to all or most of an ENTIRE episode. We can barely capture people’s attention for more than 3 - 10 seconds of a video, much less a blog post.  Imagine how much of a connection you can build and the value you can add when given the opportunity to speak straight into the ears of your ideal client? ... 

Undersaturated Market

There are over 50 million YouTube channels and more than 400 million blogs, yet only around 1 million podcasts right now, though that number is climbing daily.

Higher Brand Engagement

80% of people recently polled listen to all of most of a podcast episode, which is a lot more than we can say for most videos, and podcasts are easy to consume on the go while driving, commuting, walking, or doing chores.

Instant Trust Builder  

No matter your niche or area of expertise, there are people who NEED to hear what you have to say. Think about this: you're being given the opportunity to speak straight into someone's ear and use the power of connection to capture their attention. 

Brand Awareness

People buy from who they KNOW. One of the fastest ways to become your customer’s BFF is to be speaking straight into their ear as they get to know more about you, how you show up, and the ways you do life, business and everything in between. Podcasting is a massively under-utilized tool you can use to lean in, give people that little something extra in a world where everyone wants a peek behind the curtain of social media, and when it comes time to buy, you’re going to be the one they head straight towards…while bringing their friends with them.

...there truly has never been a better time to start!

What are you waiting for?


Yes! Sign Me Up!

Hey, I'm Emily Gough

Hey, I'm Emily Gough

I'm the host and founder of the Room to Grow™ Podcast, which started on a whim in my Google docs with a handful of ideas, and after 200+ episodes has grown into a listening experience that is consistently featured in the top 200 worldwide in its' category.

I started my first podcast Fit & Nourished Mind with a co-host in November 2017.  We aired nearly 50 episodes before realizing our businesses were going in different directions, and I launched the Room to Grow™ Podcast as a solo show the day our joint podcast ended. 

The incredible connections & relationships that have been formed as a direct result of using my voice in the podcasting space hooked me, and I began to recognize the immense power of the podcasting platform to bring people together and share your message. 

It's because of this that I pivoted into podcasting & business coaching in January 2019.

I realized that nothing else lit me up or made me as passionate as teaching entrepreneurs how to leverage their voice in the online space, and to launch and grow successful podcasts while building their businesses, all by leading with their hearts and taking plenty of imperfect action.

Imagine having people reach out to you letting you know that you changed their life in some way, getting messages from strangers explaining how much an episodes touched them or that they felt pulled to share it with a friend or loved one, or being approached to be asked how people can work with you, without you ever even asking for the sale.

This is what podcasting has done for me and for my business.

I've heard from so many people that they want more than just a basic launch checklist and technical tutorials.  

They need assistance connecting with people on a deeper level, sharing their stories in a meaningful way, growing their businesses around a podcast and building trust and fostering connection to create the kind of impact that they've always hoped to achieve. 

 "I want you to be able to learn from my many failures, mistakes and flops so that you can spend more time and energy putting your message out into the world instead, because we need more of you, your story and your message."

What's included in Podcasting for Impact™ you ask?

Way More Than A Checklist and Tutorials

Over 36 Video Trainings!

6 in-depth video modules with over 36 total videos and tutorials that will walk you through the step by step process to getting your podcast out into the world.

PDF Guides & Worksheets

Tutorials & trainings on fostering connections with listeners & guests, promotion & increasing visibility on you and your podcast and ways to collaborate with others.

Brand Building Strategies

How to build and grow your personal brand around your podcast, strategies to monetize, and ways to take your business to the next level.

Empowered Vulnerability

The power of sharing very personal stories for greater impact & connection, as well as managing & protecting your energy.

++ You'll also receive 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily! ++

This is Just What I Need!

Want More Support?

VIP is for You. 

Full access to the entire course, plus one-on-one time with Emily to help you get your powerful message out into the world and start showing up instead of hiding behind your computer screen.

++ Four 45 minute 1:1 calls with Emily over 8 weeks from time of enrolment along with Voxer support.


++ Bi-weekly Zoom Q & A calls to address any questions as they come up and keep you on track.


++ Personalized attention, accountability & coaching around strategically building your business and how to use the podcast to maximize your impact.


Want More Support?

VIP is for You. 

Full access to the entire course, plus one-on-one time with Emily to help you get your powerful message out into the world and start showing up instead of hiding behind your computer screen.

++ Four 45 minute 1:1 calls with Emily over 8 weeks from time of enrolment.


++ Weekly Zoom Q & A calls to address any questions as they come up and keep you on track.


++ Personalized attention, accountability & coaching around strategically building your business and how to use the podcast to maximize your impact.


What You'll Learn Inside Podcasting for Impact™

Don't Take My Word For It.

Maryalice Goldsmith

Emily takes something that seems like a huge project to take on and simplifies the steps all while adding unique industry secrets to accelerate your podcasting launch date.  Her organizational strategies and relationship building techniques are super beneficial and have helped clients of mine not only feel like they can start a podcast, but actually take the steps to make it happen.  If starting a podcast is something you want to do but keep putting off...Emily is your best shot at launching a successful podcast while being fully supported by an amazing coach.

Nicole Dalcourt

I am a podcast host!!! Thanks to the knowledge and attention from Emily Gough, I was able to launch a successful podcast relatively quickly. Emily was a wealth of knowledge and helped me focus in on what I wanted my listeners to gain from tuning in. Emily’s videos, instructions and on-on-one teaching, made even the technical side of starting a podcast easy to understand!

Sarah Swain

Having Emily on the podcast was one of the greatest conversations I have ever had. So much energy! Emily is so passionate about helping others in the world of podcasting and it shows! If you are considering working with Emily, don’t hesitate! She is full of knowledge, and more importantly, full of heart.

Melanie Knights

Not only is Emily a fabulous podcast host, she has been incredibly helpful when I've asked to pick her expert brain about starting my own podcast.  Emily is very insightful, and has a vast amount of knowledge to help you get started and produce your own successful podcast show.  As a peer, friend, and former guest on the Room to Grow Podcast, I know you are in great hands with her! This course and her coaching is a no brainer for any budding podcast host!

Chelsea Wallace

Emily is 100% one of the realest entrepreneurs I've met online -- and I know it's easy for people to say they're real 'cause they cuss. Yes, she cusses. And yes, her realness goes way way way deeper and truer than that. She shows up for her people and encourages us all to take care of ourselves so we can be real and vulnerable and kind in the ways we show up in the world. She has no agenda besides service, and I've experienced that firsthand. I had been wrestling with starting a podcast for about half a year! Not knowing what to call it, having way too many ideas to talk about, getting all up in arms about how to NOT to launch to crickets... Emily walked me through each of those concerns, one by one, and showed me how it's not a major as I was making it out to be. She gave me simple, practical things to do and how to approach podcasting in a way that takes the pressure off. It's more important to start than it is to have it be perfect -- I knew that, but now I'm living it. AND let's not forget the way she cheers you on every step of the way! She checks-in, she answers your questions, she helps you get over what's holding you back from sharing your voice and your message with the world. I'm so grateful for the way she showed up for me and the way she shows up for her people. If you want help with podcasting -- from someone who supports her students and clients with heart, clarity, consistency, and honesty -- she. is. your. person.

Steph Connolly

Emily first came on my radar on a face to face basis, I was always SO intrigued about venturing into podcasting, but never felt I had enough to talk about or even the confidence to do so.  With some support in the background from Emily, I finally began to release some IGTV’s - to which Emily was SO excited about, and made me feel incredibly grateful to have somebody such as her in my network. Out of nowhere she opened up a small amount of spots for Power Hours with her, and I JUMPED at the chance.
The coaching session was incredible, giving me the support of building the podcast from foundation up, developing my idea through guidance and her brilliantly supportive manner. As soon as I jumped off that call I was raring to go, and an email flew into my inbox with next steps that I needed to take and a full accountability schedule to ensure I got things off the ground when I said I would!
Her coaching and support throughout the launch has been second to none, and I couldn’t recommend Emily enough to inspire you, make you laugh and ensure that you fully believe in yourself, your voice and your message. I honestly could not have done this without her and within a few days my podcast is launched into the world, and she is already my raving number one fan.
Emily, I couldn’t thank you enough. Your wise words, experience & professional badass coaching self has been such a breath of fresh air!

Jennifer M. & Brooke G.

Brooke and I connected with Emily in the hopes she could help us realize our dream of launching our first podcast. From the very first phone call, Brooke and I instantly felt supported, connected and excited, and we knew that we had made the right choice with Emily.

Podcasting for Impact™ is right for you if...


You're paralyzed with fear & doubts

Allowing the excuse of perfectionism to prevent you from ever starting in the first place, and worried about judgements from others as you put your story and yourself out there on a larger, more visible platform.

You think everything has already been said

You're stuck in a vicious cycle of knowing that you can change lives, while questioning if you have anything to say that people would listen to, wondering if you'll run out of things to talk about, or offer value that will keep people coming back for more.

You want to reach more people without paying Mark Zuckerberg

Ad budget? What's that? It's frustrating that everyone keeps telling you to drop a chunk of change on paying for ads, and you're wondering how to get in front of new eyes & ears organically without lining the pockets of Facebook.

You're looking to build lasting relationships

Whether it's with your customers or listeners, peers, industry leaders or podcast guests, you want to unlock the key to creating connection with people that has them pumped to work with you or tune in to listen to what you have to say.

You want to make an impact in a genuine, authentic way

No fake BS to be found here. You're in it for the real deal, to leverage your stories in a way that puts you in a leadership role, touching people's lives in some small way and using your voice and expertise to create change, all while showing up exactly as you are.

You're concerned that the technical side of things will be overwhelming

Even thinking about how to figure out everything from editing to cover artwork makes you feel like the little head-exploding emoji, and you've never considered yourself very "techy."

It's Not About The Numbers, It's About The Impact


Aren't you tired of not being heard?

Here's what you need to know about working with me and what this course will teach you:

I'm all about real, genuine connection with other human beings and building relationships and helping others create the same for themselves.

Putting all the focus on the numbers, whether that's downloads, dollars or Instagram followers is bullsh*t.

Your voice can have a massive impact beyond your wildest dreams - if you let it.

Grit, determination and messy action is how you build the podcast & business you're dreaming about, not by letting fear stop you in your tracks.

Everyone has a unique set of stories and experiences that someone else would benefit from learning. Showing up as yourself and letting people see your imperfections is what will set you apart in a noisy online space.

Are you ready yet?

Do You Want To Drive Revenue and Grow Your Biz? 

When done right, podcasts have a direct correlation to building your business.  It’s one of the best things you can do for your business from a marketing standpoint.
Think about it: you’re creating a body of evergreen content that will only continue to increasingly draw people in over time, massively increase your reach and expand your audience to get you in front of the eyes and ears of people hungry to learn from you.
You can use your podcast to send people directly towards your own business while you’re busy capturing their full attention for anywhere from 10 - 60 minutes while they absorb what you have to say. Then offer a lead magnet to expand on what you touched on, pack a punch with the value, and people then want to learn more about what you do and how you can help them solve the problem they’re having.
Having a podcast gives you credibility and status that can make it easier for potential clients to see how much you have to share and teach, and you’re going to remind top of mind when it comes time to buy what you’re producing.  You’ve already gained their trust, the listeners have learned to love your killer podcast content, and the natural next step is for them to find ways to work with you more closely. 


Aren't you tired of not being heard?

Here's what you need to know about working with me and what this course will teach you:

I'm all about real, genuine connection with other human beings and building relationships and helping others create the same for themselves.

Putting all the focus on the numbers, whether that's downloads, dollars or Instagram followers is bullsh*t.

Your voice can have a massive impact beyond your wildest dreams - if you let it.

Grit, determination and messy action is how you build the podcast & business you're dreaming about, not by letting fear stop you in your tracks.

Everyone has a unique set of stories and experiences that someone else would benefit from learning. Showing up as yourself and letting people see your imperfections is what will set you apart in a noisy online space.

Are you ready yet?

VIP Pricing Options

Select the pricing plan that best fits you're needs and let's get started.

VIP Coaching Package


One Payment

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
  • 4 x 45min 1:1 calls with Emily & Voxer support 
  • Personalized Coaching and accountability 
Enroll Now

VIP Coaching Payment Plan


Two Payments

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
  • 4 x 45min 1:1 calls with Emily & Voxer support 
  • Personalized Coaching and accountability 
Enroll Now

VIP Coaching Payment Plan


Four Payments

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
  • 4 x 45min 1:1 calls with Emily & Voxer support 
  • Personalized Coaching and accountability 
Enroll Now

DIY Pricing Options

Select the pricing plan that best fits your needs and let's get started.

DIY Basic


One Payment

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
Enroll Now

DIY Extended


Two Payments

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
Enroll Now

Payment Plan


Four Payments

  • Lifetime access to all course materials 
  • 36 training videos and tutorials 
  • PDF guides and worksheets for clarity, planning and more 
  • Brand building and relationship building strategies 
  • 4 bi-weekly Q&A calls with Emily for support 
Enroll Now